Culture as a Vessel for Women Oppression: A Critical Study of Female Genital Mutilation in Mabel Evwierhoma’s The Cut Across
ISRG Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature, Volume 2, Issue 2.
Patriarchy and Excision, Infertility, Human rights, Female genital mutilationAbstract
This study explores how cultural norms and traditions can serve as vessels for the perpetuation of gender-based violence, specifically, against women. It explores cultural oppression against women within the context of Mabel Evwierhoma's play, The Cut Across, focusing specifically on the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Using feminist theory this study contends that female genital mutilation is one of the harmful cultural practices that hemline women. By examining the characters and themes within the play, this study sheds light on harmful cultural practices that contribute to the subjugation of women. This study goes beyond the play itself, engaging with the sociocultural dynamics that sustain FGM. Ultimately, this study seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between culture and the perpetuation of gender-based violence, stimulating debates on how drama challenges systems of oppression. This study argues that women can surmount cultural oppression and achieve freedom by actively working together to champion equality, rather than being passive, waiting for liberation to be granted to them. This study recommends that drama can be used in amplifying the voices of the silenced by employing the transformative potentials of the theatre, which has can be used in addressing sensitive topics.
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