The Influence Of First Language On The Use Of English Among First Year Students Of Akwa Ibom State University, Akwa Ibom State
Sapientia Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Development Studies (SGOJAHDS), Vol.7 No.4
First Year Students, Mother tongue, “Use of English”, First Language, InfluenceAbstract
This work, which is an ongoing investigation into The Influence of the First Language on “Use of English” among First Year Students of Performing Arts Department of Akwa Ibom State University is of immense value. This is because of its implications in curriculum planning, school administration, academic progress and socio-personal development of the students. The researcher of this work, who is a postgraduate student of English,, became disturbed by the students poor performance and resolved to find out how the various backgrounds from where these students come have contributed to their performance in the said course. To this end, scores were obtained in English Language from the subjects’ WASSCE/NECO entry qualification files in addition to their response on the questionnaire administered. The Pearson’s Product Moment Correlational Analysis and One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and the independent t-test Method were used to analyse the data derived from students. There were no marked differences across the various departments in terms of structural facilities, teaching and learning atmosphere and or problems. It was revealed that the type of backgrounds students are exposed to during their primary and secondary school years have influence on their performance in The Use of English course and therefore concluded that the performances of students in the “Use of English” course have inextricable affinity with the influence the first language L1 on the target language L2.
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