Cybercrime In Nigerian Cyber Space: The Task Before The Nigerian Librarians
World Atlas Journal of Library and Information Science. 4(1)
Crime, Cyber Crime, Intervention, Mitigation, Cyber Space, Nigerian SocietyAbstract
The study was conducted to investigate Cybercrime in Nigerian Cyber Space: The Task before the Nigerian Librarians. To guide the study, one specific purposes and null hypotheses respectively was formulated. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population comprised of all librarians in academic libraries who attended the 55th Nigerian Library Association Conference and Annual General meeting in Lagos last year. A sample size of 250 librarians in the conference hall was selected using stratified random sampling techniques. The researcher developed an instrument entitled: CYBERCRIME IN NIGERIAN CYBER SPACE QUESTIONNAIRE (CNCSQ) to generate data for the study. The instrument was validated by the thesis supervisor and experts in test and measurement were contacted for thorough check and experts inputs. The collected data were analyzed with the use of appropriate statistical techniques such as simple regression analysis. The findings of the study reveal that there is significant influence of Nigerian Liberian intervention on the level of mitigation of cybercrime in the Nigerian cyber space. Among others, it was recommended that Nigerian security agencies should participate in training workshops and conferences on cyber security because like an author rightly said You cannot fight Today's Crime with Yesterday's Technology. It was also recommended that Nigerian Government should endeavour to create employment opportunities for the teeming youths as studies has shown that it is age bracket that constitutes the cyber criminals.

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