Availability and Use of ICTs in Collection Management in University Libraries in the South-South Zone of Nigeria
Global Journal of Academic ResearchForum 4(1)
Availability, Use, ICT, University Libraries, Collection ManagementAbstract
This Research work examined the availbility and use of Information Communication Technology in Collection Management in Nigerian University Iibraries in South —S0uth Zone. Libraries in Federal Universities were used as case study. The respondents constituted the professional and para-professional librarians drawn from the six federal universities. The questionnaire was the major instrument used for data collection. The results from the studv revealed that: the Management of Federal Universities have recognized the need for ICT and have made efforts to provide ICT facilities for their libraries which are used/or Collection Management as well as other services. It also found that the ICT facilities are used basically for selection and acquisition of materials as against weeding activities. The Findings also reveal that slaff of all of the Federal University Libraries studied face analogous restraints in the application of ICT to collection Management procedures. Based on the findings it was recommended that the Federal Government should urgently improve the generation and distribution of power in the eountijv because every sector of the economy relies on it," University Management should as a matter of priority ensure that their libt‘aries are Stocked with up to date ICT facilities and that staff are trained regularly so as to upgrade their skills.

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